Critical Praise for Myrlin A. Hermes

"This witty, erudite, and decidedly sexy novel stands all of the usual questions about Shakespeare on end.[...] Combining famous lines of dialogue and plot from several plays, Hermes manages to create both a moving story that stands on its own, and a giant in-joke for Shakespeare lovers."-- Booklist

"Myrlin Hermes delivers the kind of wit, creativity, and verbal eloquence which is rarely seen in contemporary novels...[with] a shameless audacity comparable to Tom Stoppard...Hermes is truly a master of the bawdy  double entendre." --Zachary Stewart, TheaterMania

"Hermes' counterversion of the 'true' tale of Elsinore is based on a deep and perceptive reading of the conflicts and mysteries inside the play. [...] She's imagined, most entertainingly, how such an astonishing artist might have come to be."
-- Bob Hicks, The Oregonian